Silent Retreat ~ Falling into Fall

With Bruce Davis PhD and Ruth Davis, Co-Founder

November 28 - 30, 2022

Location: Pacifica Graduate Institute

Address: 801 Ladera Lane, Montecito, CA, USA

  • Twin Size Bed (Second Floor, stairs only) – $895.00
  • Full Size (First Floor) – $995.00
  • Queen Suite Room – $1,195.00
  • Twin Size ADA (Handicap Accessible - First Floor) – $750.00
  • Retreat with Lodging off Campus – $800.00

In the quiet we open to the peace that is all around us and in our hearts.

Days in the silence allow us to receive peace and quiet.  Silence is our opportunity to go deeply in meditation, the present moment. The simplicity of just being touches the sacred inside of us. These are precious days free from our daily story and all that we are doing.  In the quiet we open to this inner place of love and beauty that is always present but mostly covered up by busy-ness. Silence allows everyone the opportunity to stay with their own thoughts, their inner experience.

The gift of silence is having nothing to do, nothing to say, having time to enjoy solitude, gentleness, a quiet mind.

The vastness of our inner being is ​the landscape of our heart. 

A few days of simple peace and we feel new again, more in touch with our essence.  The silence is the doorway into our own spirituality, truth, wisdom.​

​When we are not busy talking, our mind takes a rest. Our heart becomes more available. The silence outside helps us to find the still place inside. This is our silent retreat, the vast quietude of the heart. A few days of simple peace and we feel new again, more in touch with our essence.  A silent retreat cultivates inner silence.  It is an opportunity to train our awareness to be more heartfully present in every part of daily life.  The quiet found in the heart is an ongoing gift for your own peace of mind and one you will carry with you to all your relationships.

A retreat is a time to practice beingness.

As we open to silence we become awareness of effortless being.  Opening to silence is the path of non-doing or softening the mind and allowing it to rest in the spiritual heart.  Here we have come home, where there is nothing to do and everything to receive.

Note about Cell Phones: Your cell  phone is needed only for check in. Please leave your cell phone in your car after check in, as they are not allowed on campus during the retreat. Bring a separate alarm clock and “dumb” watch for yourself. 


Daily Rhythm:

7:30 – 8:30 am Breakfast in Silence

8:30 am Silent Sitting in Sanctuary 30 minutes

9:00 am Morning Meditation in Sanctuary  40 minutes

10:00 am Non-doing Period*

12:00 pm Lunch in Silence

3:00 pm Heartfulness insight meditation:  cultivating effortless being in Sanctuary 60 minutes

4-5:30  pm Non-doing Period*

5:30  Dinner in Silence

7:00 pm Evening Meditation in Sanctuary 30 minutes

*A Non-Doing period may include:  Non-doing is the ancient daoist practice of wu wei.  During your non-doing periods you rest awareness in; reflection, walking meditation, the present moment, contemplation, journaling, sitting meditating, guilt free nap, being with nature, listening to silence, being present without the need for entertainment, being gentle with yourself, bathing in the softness of your heart & retreat experience.



About the Leaders

Bruce Davis PhD

While a graduate student, Bruce met and became an apprentice to a remarkable Shaman who had the gift of entering into and teaching people in their dreams.  For four years, Bruce was introduced to many realms and worlds outside normal western thought. These years were to be the beginning of Bruce's quest to understand the potential […]

Learn more about Bruce Davis PhD

Ruth Davis, Co-Founder

"A retreat is a time to come home inside yourself, where the mind stops and silence of the heart begins." At age six, Ruth had a spiritual awakening in her first ballet class.  Her heart burst open to the divine and joy filled her body.  She felt she was dancing to God, the all and […]

Learn more about Ruth Davis, Co-Founder

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